Monday, 30 January 2012

Welcome Post

My name is Carys Lloyd and I study Media at AS-Level. I hope to go on to A-Level Media. This is a blog that I have created to document my progress throughout the coursework element of the course.
The Prelim Task is a continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom they will exchange a few lines of dialogue. This task will demonstrate our understanding of match on action, shot/reverse shot, and the 180-degree rule.
The Main Task involves filming and editing the titles and opening of a new Crime fictional film, which has to be a maximum of two minutes in length. 
This Blog will chart my progress from the Research and Planning, the Construction of the Main Task, through to the Evaluation of the final product. Every post that I blog will be supported by evidence in the form of either images, audio, videos and links to online resources.