Thursday, 26 April 2012

Production Diary

There were many complications when filming the opening sequence. I initially wanted Charles' character to receive the virus in a coffee shop, however, we couldn't get permission from the coffee shop we wanted as a filming location to use their shop as a location, so we had to come up with a change of plan quickly. I eventually decided to use my house, as I felt that this fitted Charles' character better, and I had access to it.
After all the filming had been done, a member of my group, Haydn, fell ill, so missed a lot of media lessons, so it was down to Cleo and myself to complete the editing of the film. We would have liked Haydn to have been able to help us, as he had more experience with the editing software than we did, as we had never used it before, and Haydn fell under our target audience, so his suggestions and feedback would have been helpful. The editing deadline was creeping up, and Haydn was still ill. Cleo and myself still hadn't finished the editing of the opening sequence, and during the last two days of being able to edit, Cleo had prior commitments, which meant I had to finalise the editing by myself. I did the best I could, and both Cleo and Haydn were extremely happy with the result.
When looking back at the footage that was used, the scene where Charles is at the park, sending and receiving texts was not clear enough so that the viewer could understand what was on the phone. As Haydn was still ill at this point, we had to find somebody who could hold the phone whilst opening a text. We eventually found someone from another group and he helped us re-shoot opening the text message, so it is much clearer, and the audience can now understand what is being said.

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